For us and our customers
Keeping the overview
There is probably no other industry in which the tools and environments used change as quickly and as significantly as in IT. Not a week goes by without new libraries, frameworks, or “just” updates to existing tools that bring a whole new set of features with them. For companies, this means increased pressure to keep up with the times, adapt, and definitely not miss the boat for the next big thing. This also poses considerable problems for developers: How do we maintain an overview so that we can also advise our clients well?
Keeping an eye on the web technology landscape
Up to date
This is precisely the reason why various companies now publish so-called trend reports. These include the Technology Radar from Thoughtworks, , which kindly made the code for its visualization available as open source and which we used as the basis for our own radar.
At MaibornWolff, we also have many people in the company who try out new technologies, gather experience, read, and write articles as well as books or even have just heard about something new. To make this knowledge clearly available to everyone, we have therefore created the InnoRadar Web. It provides an easy way to quickly get an overview of what we believe the web technology landscape currently looks like.
Thanks to the feedback of our colleagues
Always updated
To keep our radar up to date, we periodically survey people in the field and across the company to get their feedback. There is also one blog article per quarter on the latest changes within the radar.
Other areas in the company are now also interested in creating similar trend radars on other topics. In the dense fog of hypes and trends, InnoRadar thus enables unerring navigation.
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