Software Modernization

We make outdated software future-proof

Software Modernization: Future-proof systems with MaibornWolff

Increasing maintenance costs, recurring system errors and unpredictable development efforts: Does this sound familiar? Then you need to act quickly! Outdated software can significantly slow down operations and endanger your competitiveness. 
MaibornWolff offers the solution: We make your legacy systems future-proof through software modernization or renovation – all while keeping your processes running. Trust in our more than 30 years of experience and prepare your company for the future.

Software modernisieren wir individuell

Customized Solutions

We provide software modernization that is tailored to your exact needs, which we analyze during a thorough, previous software audit.

DDD Domain Driven Design damit die Anpassungen an Ihrer Software den fachlichen Anforderungen entsprechen.

Domain Driven Design

We focus on the application’s functional requirements rather than on existing technical conditions, which allows optimal adjustments at any time.

Smooth Modernization

Save time and costs: We at MaibornWolff will modernize your software all the while it is operational.

Years of Experience

With over 30 years of experience in successful software modernization, we are your reliable partner for critical and complex projects.

What is Software Modernization?

In short, software modernization means the iterative updating and improvement of existing software to continuously adapt to new requirements, technologies, and standards. This increases efficiency and extends the software’s lifespan. Sounds complicated? It’s actually not. 

Imagine this scenario: You’ve taken great care of your old smartphone and used it for years. Suddenly, certain apps no longer run or only run slowly, and updates are no longer possible. The operating system of your phone is becoming outdated. What do you do? Most people opt for the obvious solution: buy a new smartphone. 

Companies face a similar problem at times. They have a built-up system that is overloaded and hard to adjust, no longer meeting the company’s needs. This is where software modernization comes into play. 

Good to Know: To us software renovation and software modernization are two sides of the same coin. Both processes may require similar approaches and practices, ranging from partial renewal to a complete rewrite. The term renovation focuses on moving away from an existing problematic situation, while modernization emphasizes moving toward a desired, future modern application. 

Software modernization involves replacing outdated technologies, adding new functions and optimizing the structure. The goal is to make the software more efficient, secure, and adaptable to new requirements. Software modernization can cover various aspects like updating the following: 

  • Program code 
  • Development processes and development practices 
  • Automated testings for security 
  • Databases 
  • User interfaces 

This keeps your company flexible and able to adapt to constantly changing market demands. 

Software Modernization with MaibornWolff – Your Benefits

MaibornWolff is your strategic partner when it comes to software renovation. With over 30 years of experience, we offer customized solutions that consider both technological and professional requirements.

Our specialized focus on software modernization allows us to update your software during ongoing operations, without disrupting your business processes. This saves time and money and enables prompt, valid feedback from production. Therefore, the system ripens quicker and more effectively. 

Trust our expertise and let’s future-proof your software together.

Our clients

Here’s what our clients say about MaibornWolff

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“Thanks to MaibornWolff, who (1) led us from the symptoms in our project to their cause, (2) showed us how better software with good digital design can be created faster with less effort. And – excellent! – (3) they prioritize self-help and thus coached us as customers instead of making us dependent. Establishing this ethos as company culture is always remarkable in every interaction!”

Nora Legittimo, Chief Digital Officer, Digital Transformation in Construction, Schöck Bauteile GmbH

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Reasons for Software Renovation

As long as a system runs smoothly, it doesn’t receive much attention. But when problems eventually start to accumulate, it becomes apparent: Modernization is long overdue. Companies whose customized software can’t keep up anymore, risk falling behind and losing their competitiveness. 

Here are some typical scenarios necessitating modernization:

Softwarefunktionen können nicht mehr weiterentwickelt werden. Sanieren Sie Ihre Software.

Developing Features is Difficult or Impossible

Already during the development of the individual software, some features can no longer be implemented or only with great effort.

Inspizieren und Analysieren im laufenden System.

Frequent Problems in Operating Systems

Ongoing projects reach a certain level where problems occur more frequently. This can include system crashes within production systems, unexpected bugs from new software releases, or issues during the application’s release process.

Veraltete Software wird den Anforderungen nicht mehr gerecht. Die Software muss modernisiert werden, damit Sie zukunftsfähig bleiben.

Outdated Customized Software Does Not Meet New Requirements

Laws, business fields, or production processes change. The old software can no longer meet these new requirements.

Die Kosten steigen, die Leistung nimmt ab. Mit einer umfassenden Analyse kann Ihre Software gerettet werden.

Rising Costs with Decreasing Performance

The costs for operation and further development continuously rise, while the software’s functionality increases only very slowly.

Time for Modernization?

Don’t fall behind!

Modernize your software and stay competitive.

Our Software Modernization Services

We at MaibornWolff cover the entire software modernization process: from the initial analysis of your existing systems all the way to the successful implementation of your new one. Our goal is to make your software future-proof, efficient, and flexible.

Software Audit

  • Detailed analysis of your current system 
  • Renovation plan with concrete action recommendations 
  • Conducted in collaboration with your team on eye level with experts from modernization projects 
  • Roadmap & cost estimation 
  • Duration: 3 weeks 
  • Investment: up to €60,000  

Software Modernization

  • Developing and setting a target for your system 
  • Prioritization of measures 
  • Enablement of your development team or joint implementation of the initiatives  

Long-term Development

  • Decide whether implementation is going to happen by MaibornWolff or by your team 
  • Enable your team and support team setup 
  • Proven step-by-step handover phases ensure security  

Our Range of Services

We support you end-to-end on your digital journey

Of course, 30 years of expertise as an IT service provider cannot be adequately summarized in a few words, however, we always focus individually on our customers’ needs when it comes to the services we offer them.
Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us and jointly develop the right strategy for your company’s success.

Software Renovation and Modernization: Our Approach

From the initial analysis and detailed planning to implementation: We make sure your software modernization is efficient and successful. Our collaboration process includes: 

1. Initial Conversation

Our collaboration starts with a specific problem that brings you to us. A short conversation helps us estimate the modernization effort and understand your specific needs.

2. Offer and Software Audit 

After the initial conversation, you receive a concrete offer for our so-called software audit. This analysis costs between €30,000 – 60,000 depending on the scope. During the software audit we analyze:

  • Current functionalities and future requirements 
  • Code quality and system architecture 
  • Quality assurance and development processes 
  • Efficiency and processes of your software 
  • Cloud and mobile readiness (optional) 

This check typically takes three weeks and can be conducted parallel to your day-to-day business. We don’t waste resources and only your professionally relevant experts are needed for our workshops. 

3. Final Presentation and Next Steps

On completion of the software audit, we present our results and suggestions in a final presentation. Based on these findings, we make a joint decision on the next steps. Please note: Of course, it is up to you to implement the developed plan of action autonomously or with another service provider.

4. Planning and Implementation

The actual software modernization starts here. We use the following proven methods and tools:

  • Team/Ensemble Programming: Together with you we develop and set a goal and also establish uniform quality standards. This way we make sure that your team is able to work continuously and productively. Even if particular members are absent. IT-tasks are generally handled by two to five people. 
  • Test Driven Development: Establishing a test-driven development in which acceptance criteria are defined before implementation begins. 
  • Domain Driven Design: Focusing on the application’s functionality, not the database model. 
  • Code: Formalizing knowledge in code. 
  • Strangler Pattern: Developing new functionalities parallel to existing software, gradually replacing old software parts with new ones without a major switchover. This allows continuous integration of new features and early feedback during ongoing operation. 
  • Golden Master Test: Automated tests to secure fragile systems. 
  • Emergency Response Unit: Immediate support if issues occur. 

5. Smooth Modernization During Ongoing Operation 

We modernize your customized software during ongoing operation. The benefits are obvious: it saves time and money. Additionally, we quickly receive feedback from production, accelerating and improving the development of complex systems.

Methods of Software Modernization

There are various approaches to software modernization depending on the current state and requirements of the regarding software. Basically, these are the three main modernization methods that can be distinguished:


Replacing outdated software step-by-step with new code, allowing continuous improvement and adaptation without interrupting operations. 

Complete Modernization

Overhauling the entire software code, in case it is heavily outdated and requires fundamental changes to meet current demands. Often involving updating the tech stack (programming languages, frameworks, technologies, etc.) to current technologies. 

Partial Renewal

Rarely used, this method involves adding or replacing certain parts of the software while leaving the rest unchanged. This method is usually only applied, if time or budget is significantly limited. 

Tools for Software Renovation

Regardless of the method you choose, you will receive a smooth and efficient modernization supported by our proven methods and approaches. The four central approaches we use include:

Strangler Pattern

A proven model we often and successfully use. New functionalities are developed and integrated while the old software is running. Once a new function is implemented, this part of the new software goes live. The old software function is gradually replaced by the new one, avoiding one major switchover (Big Bang). This allows early feedback and minimizes risks as both software systems operate at the same time and must interact with each other.

Clean Code

Clean Code principles and patterns ensure the code is well-readable and maintainable. A well-structured code is essential for sustainable software modernization. We ensure the code is easily understandable and efficiently maintainable, reducing maintenance costs and easing further development.


Refactoring means targeted and structured optimization of the software’s source code. External functions of the software remain unchanged while internal structures are improved and reorganized.

Software Maps

A particular advantage of our approach are our software maps. These visual representations make the modernization process transparent. You can track progress, assess refactoring, and easily understand code quality and dependencies. This visual representation provides security and confidence throughout the process.

Ready for Comprehensive Software Modernization?

If your software is ready for the next step, we are your partner for successful software modernization. With proven methods, profound expertise, and a transparent approach, we bring your software up to date. Trust MaibornWolff to make your system future-proof and efficient. Contact us now and start into a modern and powerful software future.

Schedule your consultation appointment now!

FAQs: Common Questions about Software Modernization

Surprisingly little! In well-maintained systems, cybersecurity guidelines are usually well-implemented. Data protection and security are currently not major drivers for software modernization projects, however, could become more important if legal cybersecurity requirements sharpen.

A legacy system is a critical, for a company indispensable system that needs modernization. It has historical value, such as important know-how. The problem lies in its technological obsolescence due to the use of outdated programming languages and architectures, for which there are often no experts or resources available.

Software modernization concerns all companies whose productivity and value creation depends on customized software. It’s important to note that customized software means exactly what it implies:  individually custom-tailored solutions instead of standard off-the-shelf software. Of course, a company offering a software product can also have a need for modernization.